Alocasia Polly in a tiny 5.5cm pot - baby plant
Monstera obliqua plant - monkey leaf - more bushy plant- monstera obliqua- monkey musk plant in a hanging pot
PRE ORDER Very rare Caladium Rosebud plant - Beautiful - 12cm potted plant - Plant A1
tradescantia sweetness plant in a white ceramic pot - nice plant gift
tradescantia sweetness plant in a tiny 5.5cm pot - cute pink plant
Stunning Fittonia plant - Nerve plant - Light Pink foliage plant - live plant
1 Marigold plant - tagetes -genda flower plant - yellow flowering plant
Fittonia plant - Nerve plant - green foliage plant - live plant
3 houseplant mix - green nerve plant - dianthus 'I love you ' plant - tradescantia sweetness plant
giant monstera deliciosa plant - well rooted large monstera plant - large monstera Deliciosa plant
Lucky Bamboo Plant in a ceramic pot - Live Plant stick -Dracaena sanderiana - low light plant
philodendron pink princess plant - half moon - 12 plus leaf - large indoor plant - exact plant shown in the picture
Buy 2 Get 1 Free, 2 Tradescantia Zebrina plant cutting - unrooted wandering jew plant cutting - easy growing
Philodendron Micans plant - 12cm potted plant - houseplant - Philodendron micans - rare philodendron
Sale ! Tradescantia Nanouk in a 12cm hanging plastic pot - potted plant - easy growing
Tradescantia rosa - tradescantia fluminensis plant - tradescantia albiflora - trailing plant - 10cm potted plant
Tradescantia green cutting for sale - easy growing
Variegated monstera wet stick -This wet stick selected randomly from the plant shown in the picture !! stick only
Buy 2 GET 1 Free String of Heart Plant in a tiny 8cm pot - string of heart plant - trailing plant
Variegated monstera adansonii plant - 7 leaf well rooted plant - Variegated Monstera adansonii aurea plant
variegated monstera adansonii plant - stun planning half moon variegation 6 Leaf plant exactt shown into the picture - Big leaf well rooted
variegated monstera adansonii plant - stunning half moon variegation - 5 leaf plant - monstera Archipelago
variegated monstera adansonii plant -1 leaf cutting rooted -This cutting selected randomly from the plant shown in the picture
Variegated Monstera Adansonii plant 1 leaf cutting small aerial root -This cutting selected randomly from the plant shown in the picture
Variegated Monstera Adansonii plant 1 leaf cutting with root -This cutting selected randomly from the plant shown in the picture
heavily variegated monstera adansonii plant -exact plant shown in the picture - monstera Archipelago
Heavily variegated monstera adansonii 1 leaf rooted plant cutting -exact rooted cutting is shown in the picture - monstera Archipelago
string of dolphins -Senecio Peregrinus - jumping dolphins plant
variegated monstera adansonii (aurea)1 leaf cutting small aerial root -This cutting selected randomly from the plant shown in the picture
variegated string of heart plant - pink variegated -variegated string of heart plant in a tiny 8cm pot
Burro's tail plant - Sedum morganianum ‘Burrito’ in a tiny 8cm pot -2 steam only - rare succulent - easy growing
philodendron white princess plant - stunning variegation on leaf
3 mini cute plant mix - in a tiny 4cm pot - tradescantia fluminensis - string of hearts
RARE Sansevieria Star Green Granite plant - 8cm potted plant - snake plant
2 minima mix - green and pink - tradescantia fluminensis plant
Tradescantia Tricolour plant in a 12cm hanging pot - wandering jew plant - indoor plant - rare tradescantia - 12cm potted plant
Stunning !!! Extra large philodendron pink princess plant - 10 leaf plant- pink princess - rare indoor plant - live plant
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